We solved the climate change puzzle!
That’s a big claim, and we know it’s hard for anyone to believe. How can you possibly solve climate change? Humans have been trying to do that for over fifty years and have done nothing but fail, so what’s different now?
Well, we’ve now learned what really caused climate change, and it wasn't what we all believed.
Complete Mitigation Science, or CMS, is an interdisciplinary scientific study that uses those fifty years of climate failures to better define climate change and prove how it came to be and how we can fix it with the sequestration abilities of mature trees. The study revealed that nobody had accounted for the trillion plus numbers of immature and marketable trees doing little to nothing as carbon sinks; nothing like they had in the past and could be doing now with more maturity. CMS added one tree to a trillion trees and solved the climate change puzzle with definition, logic, and testing.
With that in mind, CMS’s principal researcher, Timothy C Thompson, wrote a nonfiction book called The Climate Change Solution. Read this book before calling CMS crazy! It’ll change your world by fixing all of ours!
Let's avoid extinction, shall we?
Sure, its tough to take time to read, but this is worth it. Plus, proceeds go towards making your world a much better place.